Cinthya pregnancy 3rd Week

Third week from Cinthya pregnancy. No major bodily change visible. I reinforced her feeding with foods rich in folic acid like broccoli, lentils and avocado. Folic acid helps prevent malformations in the fetus! Guys, this information is real! If you (the few girls who follow me), or your partner become pregnant, it is almost certain that your doctor will recommend, if you do not prescribe, a supplementation in that nutrient!

Also follow the development of my hentai game: Dark Moon!

Cinthya pregnancy 2nd Week

The result of the pregnancy poll came out and I can guarantee that the lucky one went to Cinthya, but instead of posting the graphics here, I'm going to post images of the developing pregnancy and let you guess who the father is. This is the second week, as it is during this period that pregnancy tests take effect. There is no X-ray yet, as there is not much to see in her womb.

Help me develop my hentai game, the dark moon, by testing the apha version of it: DARK MOON

Pregnancy pool

As you can see, Letitia and Cinthya are your favorites. I confess that they are mine too. What surprised me was that Bianca did so well, she started badly in the polls and only in the end she jumped from position to 3rd place.

I decided to send Letitia and Cinthya to the next phase, in which you will choose the father of the "child". So we can know who became pregnant and who became pregnant. The poll can be answered here below: