Pixeltober day XIX

An attack from the north!

The day started badly today. While we are attempting to combat a southeastern invasion, the fans responsible for preventing the spores of the northern plant creature from reaching the forest north of our base began to fail. The sensor readings indicated that vines were trapping their Helix.

The only girl available and knowledgeable for this mission was Erica and how I thought that with the fans on, there was no way for my enemy to get close to the woods surrounding the base, I ended up sending her without much protection.

Everything happened in a normal way until it came close to the northernmost fans we have. At that point she noticed a strange vegetation, something that resembled vines, but that seemed to move, in the trees of the forest. Before she could sketch any reaction, the vines leapt toward her and grabbed the girl's arms, immobilizing her!

Apparently my enemy managed to extend his tentacles to my domains, he did not have to convert the terrain in his way, just as I need to get to him. And with him came creatures corrupted by their spores...

Erica was surrounded by gigantic frogs, parasitized by some kind of fungus. Immobilized, she could not dodge the sticky tongue attacks of these amphibians! Using their tongue as a whip, they were able to rip off parts of our young engineer's jumpsuit!

They set her aside for a while, as if enjoying her exposed bosom and the girl's shame. A frog, apparently their leader, positioned himself behind the girl and threw his tongue directly into her pussy! He forced his tongue into the tight, restrained pussy while Erica, ashamed, held her moans and struggled to break free!

There was no biological explanation in this process! Nothing that could lead the frog to do this! He seemed to react to the girl's moaning and crying, he seemed to feel satisfaction in the humiliation and abuse she was suffering!

I can not say that what I felt was anger, I felt like I wanted to devour a whole world, cause a cataclysm, I completely lost control of my body! I ordered in the process several drones to put a load on the creature plant of the north, in its extensions that were arriving in my domain and the frogs! I spread my tentacles to the scene of the attack! I felt the gnawing pain of the need for accelerated growth! I consumed parts of my body to get to Erica.

I got weak, but I was able to knock down various frogs and other mutant creatures. My drones were having a good fight too. The northern plant creature used the tentacles that were not holding Erica to fight me. Apparently her goal was no longer to destroy the fans, or to cause any material damage. It was humiliating Erica, humiliating her in front of me. I could feel that my enemy wanted to destroy the will and psyche of my girls, one by one, commending the most vulnerable. All my enemy did was protect the toad that was abusing Erica and keep the girl immobilized.

I increased my presence on the spot, fought harder, forcing my enemy to loosen one of Erica's arms. I thought she was going to use her free hand to escape her captor's control and get out of there, but no, the girl's attitude surprised me.

She forced her body down, began to grope the bottom of the lake and then took out her toolbox. She started to stretch, pulling the tentacle that held her right arm and going toward the fans and that with the frog fumbling that thick tongue inside her pussy. She then began to fix the fans, struggling to ignore the intrusive organ in her intimate part, trying to operate tools with her non-directing hand in the middle of a battle. She moaned hard, but did not divert attention from her task!

I could force my enemy to drop it altogether. Erica was free to escape the abuse of the amphibian, but still she remained focused on her task. This gave us strength while weakening our enemy. His goal had failed, our girl whom he considered to be the most vulnerable, was there, allowing a mutant toad to stick a tongue of the thickness of an arm in his pussy, while she fixed a giant fan.

The final blow was when the fan came back on. Several tentacles of my enemy were inside the machine when it came back to operate and with that they were cut! The wind made it difficult for him to control his creatures, as the spores and pheromones were being blown away. We managed to repel this attack more and I took Erica back to the base. It was a victory, but now I am very weak and I do not know how long I can defend the laboratory.

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