Pixeltober day XXV

The searches continued, this time to look for Cinthya. Agent 1 (code-named Mystical-Pig) was especially worried about the girl and went to look for the girl along with Agent 4 (codename Comrade DerpyHooves) in the eastern section of the caves, while Agent 2 went looking in the west sector. Agent 3 did not participate in this mission.

After hours of searching Agent 4 spotted something wrapping near one of the walls of the cave, he pointed and showed Agent 1:
-Hey, Mystical Pig, I think there's something going on there.
-It's her! - Agent 4 replied - I would recognize that butt from miles away!

As they approached, however, they noticed a gray creature, its tone elongated behind the girl. The creature held Cinthya at the waist and bare breasts as she moved, making it clear what she was doing to our redheaded engineer.

Noticing the approach of the agents, the creature at first exhibited a hostile behavior, emitting a high-pitched, dolphin-like sound, holding Cinthya harder and "hammering" her more vigorously. But soon she seemed to calm down and returned to her "normal" activity, seeming to pay no more attention to the agents.

The cautious agents began to approach, but something in Cinthya's gaze indicated that something was wrong. Agent 1 expressed his uncertainty as to the situation for Agent 4:
-I'm not liking it DerpyHooves, this grayish thying  has something prep ... WTF?
In that, with a sudden movement, DerpyHooves held Mystical pig! If it had not been the gas mask, Agent 1 would have seen Agent 4's face whitish and cold sweat running down his forehead. The gray word was the trigger for DerpyHooves to recognize the creature
-What the hell was DerpyHooves?
-Comrade Mystical-Pig, I think I know what is this creature.
-WHAT? Have you seen her before?
"No, but I recognize it from the ancient archives of the USSR. They are not of this world! They have a psionic attack and can put us on the ground 50m away!
At that moment the agents swallowed dry and tried to measure the distance to the creature.
-It looks like a  half of a football field, DerpyHooves, a few more steps and we were already dead.

They saw that he was impotent with this situation. Shooting would put Cinthya's life at risk, if they approached they would be killed and if they stayed there nothing would guarantee that more creatures would appear to attack them. In this Mystical-Pig looked at Cinthya's face and their gazes met. The agent saw that the girl was calm and confident. She had a plan.
-DerpyHooves, stay tuned, I think Cinthya is about to do something!
They turned back to look at the girl, she looked at them once again, blushed, took a deep breath and began to roll on the creature's penis! The gray  himself was surprised! At the same time she was doing it, Cinthya contracted her pussy leaving the tightest possible! She began stroking the alien, leaving it and teasing the creature. The performance soon made the alien lose control of the situation, he began to fuck with more vigor until he could not take it anymore and ejaculated inside the redhead.

During the ecstasy, the alien lowered his guard, at which the agents rushed towards him. Cinthya pushed him away as DerpyHooves shot him with a short-range sonic weapon that made him faint. Mystical-Pig checked if Cinthya was ok and helped her collect the equipment then both agents brought not only my busty back engineer, but also a living alien, of a species I've never seen before.

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