Pixeltober day XXXI

We celebrated, on the 31st, the Halloween of the laboratory. Yes, gentlemen, as alien as I am, I understand some human celebrations and celebrations. The girls fantasized about various creatures, we had a banquet, there was dancing and a lot of partying.

Let's say that the festivities as well as the end of this turbulent October made the girls more agitated and they found a way to have fun using "toys", even Erica risked some daring playings... But Letitia, with her Succubi gene, needed a real penis and for that she used the Cougar cage. In fact, she's still there and by the sounds coming from there, neither she nor the cougars are sleeping.

Good people, that's it, I finished Pixeltober and I think I'm going to take a break. In fact I still have some pictures to make: the awards of the winners of a small competition that I threw in the middle of the pixeltober and two commissions that I received. But this I have time to do. The rest of this week I focus on Dark Moon, correct some aspects and implement some suggestions, so as soon to release version 1.3a of the game. You can follow Dark Moon here:


Last but not least, one of the girls in the lab will get pregnant with the pixeltober. WHICH GIRL WOULD YOU LIKE TO GET PREGNANT? Answer here:

Pixeltober day XXX

(Yes I recycled again)

I followed the tests of the repellent, this time I asked Cinthya to be the tester, since Erica did not like the result with her much. I took it I was careful to test in a species smaller than the giant rats, so that if something went wrong the girl could escape without problems.

Once again the girl paraded naked through the cage of the creatures of the test group and had no problems, however, when she was leaving the place, one of the test rabbits jumped on her, knocking her down and began fucking the redhead hard!

And once again all the fertile males in the cage took advantage of the tester .... This time at least I had the idea of tracking down the first male and measuring testosterone levels in him, I have some assumptions about what he might be giving wrong.

Pixeltober day XXIX

(Yes, I recycled an image I had ...)

Another thing I'm trying to develop is a sex repellent so that Erica and Cinthya can work quietly during my enemy's attacks.

Erica volunteered to test the first prototype. I sprayed her and she went naked into the cage of the giant lab rats. They approached, smelled, and showed no reaction. However, as she was leaving the cage, one of the rats grabbed her and started fucking the girl. After he came, the others seemed to ignore the repellent and each of the 18 rats had his turn with the young engineer.

Apparently I have to go back to the development phase ...

Pixeltober day XXVIII

Another way to grow my army is through alliances. Well, I do not have the courage to ask for an alliance with any human nation, it's more capable of sending me on fire. Our attempt to contact the reptilians ended with a double penetration of Cinthya. I have no idea where the gray ones came from ... What I have left are some primitive communities living in the cave complex.

I've prepared Carol for a contact mission. I have prepared her with instructions for contact with primitive peoples: Approach until one of them sees, stops, expects attitude on their part, does not make sudden movements, refers to what seems most important, offer gifts. At present, I decided to give a cube of leds, a steel knife and a mirror. I sent the girl to a tribe of humanoid mammoths.

Carol walked for almost a day in the cave complex until she spotted the first mammoth hunter. She followed the instructions I passed and he took her to the "tribe", his herd. Mamutelians are matriarchal and she offered the gifts to the matriarch of the tribe and the Matriarch offered a gift back ...

One thing I forgot to take into account is that in certain primitive human societies, a gift offered to visitors is the females of the tribe. As the mamutelians are matriarchal, the matriarch offered Carol a mighty male. And here's the problem, neither Carol nor I expected it. She could not deny the present and the mamutelians expected her to use it there in the middle of the village. Carol had to face the gigantic being without any lubricant.

She even tried to lick the hunter's penis, but she saw that it would not do any good. He then grabbed her and balanced her on top of his cock. Then he began to hold her, lamentably as he opened space in her pussy. After that he began to accelerate and fuck with more vigor. Even the girl's pussy being too tight for him, he was able to maintain sexual activity for hours! Carol had orgasms, fainting, cried and laughed in pain and pleasure. At last the mamutelian cum and cum liters!

After the act, Carol spent the night in the village and returned the next day, bringing the hunter with her. She and the other girls are likely to have to spend some nights with him, but it's already a weighty addition to the lab.

Pixeltober day XXVII

Trying to breed supersoldiers.

Despite the calm, I still have to worry about my enemy and the reptilians, since I do not know their intentions and with these new gray ones, which I do not even know where they came from. So I decided to test some crosses to see how to make creatures a little smarter and able to cope with these threats.

I could use various creatures here in the lab, but I preferred to pick up a pig and human chimera that already exists in the lab and cross it with one of the girls to see if I make something a little smarter. The chimera is still very disgusting and so I decided to give the task to bianca, to see if she takes a little disgust for the thing and stop annoying me. Also, as I moved her parents to a village inhabited by humans, a gestation by Bianca would not bring me additional problems.

We currently have 25 chimeras of this, being 10 males. The average copulation time is about 15 minutes. Taking into account that Bianca is human, we can consider that the chimera would take about 20 to 30 minutes to ejaculate. But Bianca took 5 and half hours to leave the area ...

The young woman came out with cum all over her body, a huge amount of cumdripping between her legs, she had sperm inside her pussy, ass and mouth. She fucked every one of the chimeras and fucked it more than once. Contrary to what we anticipated, the girl managed to make the chimeras hogs enjoy in less than 10 minutes and, frustrated with the short time, provoked each of the other males until she felt sexually satisfied.

After each chimera has cummed it, they have had a little more stamina and according to Bianca, she can better take advantage of those screw penis. In the end Bianca risked double penetrations and even a few blowjobs.

I think this excess activity will not disrupt my plans ... On the contrary, it is likely to increase the chances of she being fertilized.

Pixeltober day XXVI

Letitia, as well as Cinthya, was sent in search for Erica. She was designated to the west sector of the caves complex where are some freshwater lakes. 

During her first few hours of searching, she encountered a Manatee. Despite the great biodiversity of the complex, this is an animal that we have lost, victim of the various tragedies that devastated the region. We even had a plan to seek new specimens in the Amazon basin, but the lack of personnel and resources did not enable us to carry out this operation.

Though slightly mutant and ill-formed, Letitia knew that the genetic material of that creature was valuable and that she might not have a chance to find that animal again. However taking him to the base would take time and would divert her from her quest to search for Erica.

The blonde thought about collecting a genetic sample, but she had no material for it. She had no way of collecting a satisfactory blood sample, much less suitable material to collect and store part of the animal's tissue, or even saliva. But when she noticed a slight erection in the creature, she saw that she had an excellent choice...

She knew that her uterus, modified by the succubi gene, had a good ability to preserve genetic material, and even sperm containing half the genetic information of the animal, the computers at the base could reconstruct the creature's gene with that.

So she lay down invitingly and let Manatee do the rest. His penis was paraplegically large and the animal was clumsy. Several times the head of the penis hammered  the girl's cervix, which is very uncomfortable. Despite all this, she found the sex pleasantly pleasant and when the animal ejaculated a large volume she saw that the activity was well rewarded.

She then allowed the creature to withdraw the penis from inside her, contracted her pussy, in order to hold as much sperm as possible, got dressed and continued her search for Erica. After 3 days without result she decided to return to the base, where she discovered that the girl had already found the agents as described previously.

Then she reported on the Manatee and I coaxed her into a room where Letitia lay on a stretcher, legs spread, so that I, with the help of a special tentacle, could penetrate her pussy, reach her womb, and collect the stored sperm. Much of the genetic material was intact and now we are working to generate new Manatees for the base.

Pixeltober day XXV

The searches continued, this time to look for Cinthya. Agent 1 (code-named Mystical-Pig) was especially worried about the girl and went to look for the girl along with Agent 4 (codename Comrade DerpyHooves) in the eastern section of the caves, while Agent 2 went looking in the west sector. Agent 3 did not participate in this mission.

After hours of searching Agent 4 spotted something wrapping near one of the walls of the cave, he pointed and showed Agent 1:
-Hey, Mystical Pig, I think there's something going on there.
-It's her! - Agent 4 replied - I would recognize that butt from miles away!

As they approached, however, they noticed a gray creature, its tone elongated behind the girl. The creature held Cinthya at the waist and bare breasts as she moved, making it clear what she was doing to our redheaded engineer.

Noticing the approach of the agents, the creature at first exhibited a hostile behavior, emitting a high-pitched, dolphin-like sound, holding Cinthya harder and "hammering" her more vigorously. But soon she seemed to calm down and returned to her "normal" activity, seeming to pay no more attention to the agents.

The cautious agents began to approach, but something in Cinthya's gaze indicated that something was wrong. Agent 1 expressed his uncertainty as to the situation for Agent 4:
-I'm not liking it DerpyHooves, this grayish thying  has something prep ... WTF?
In that, with a sudden movement, DerpyHooves held Mystical pig! If it had not been the gas mask, Agent 1 would have seen Agent 4's face whitish and cold sweat running down his forehead. The gray word was the trigger for DerpyHooves to recognize the creature
-What the hell was DerpyHooves?
-Comrade Mystical-Pig, I think I know what is this creature.
-WHAT? Have you seen her before?
"No, but I recognize it from the ancient archives of the USSR. They are not of this world! They have a psionic attack and can put us on the ground 50m away!
At that moment the agents swallowed dry and tried to measure the distance to the creature.
-It looks like a  half of a football field, DerpyHooves, a few more steps and we were already dead.

They saw that he was impotent with this situation. Shooting would put Cinthya's life at risk, if they approached they would be killed and if they stayed there nothing would guarantee that more creatures would appear to attack them. In this Mystical-Pig looked at Cinthya's face and their gazes met. The agent saw that the girl was calm and confident. She had a plan.
-DerpyHooves, stay tuned, I think Cinthya is about to do something!
They turned back to look at the girl, she looked at them once again, blushed, took a deep breath and began to roll on the creature's penis! The gray  himself was surprised! At the same time she was doing it, Cinthya contracted her pussy leaving the tightest possible! She began stroking the alien, leaving it and teasing the creature. The performance soon made the alien lose control of the situation, he began to fuck with more vigor until he could not take it anymore and ejaculated inside the redhead.

During the ecstasy, the alien lowered his guard, at which the agents rushed towards him. Cinthya pushed him away as DerpyHooves shot him with a short-range sonic weapon that made him faint. Mystical-Pig checked if Cinthya was ok and helped her collect the equipment then both agents brought not only my busty back engineer, but also a living alien, of a species I've never seen before.

Pixeltober day XXIV

Well, as you know, Erica was lost. I sent Cinthya and Letitia to do the search jobs, but I also lost contact with them. So I asked for help for other contacts.

I got the help of 4 agents, coming from 3 different agencies with whom I have contact. They started the searches in a cave where I did not have much presence and that was the last place where I got a signal from the girls.

During the searches, Agent 1 and Agent 2 met. Agent 2 had stopped to check a puddle of sticky substance on the floor of the cave, and Agent 1 was following the sound of a timid groan.

The agents began to search the roof of the cave. The night vision equipment was not working. Unfortunately I equipped them with residual light augmentation equipment, rather than thermal vision and as the light in that corner of the cave was weak, they only got a wavy, dark glow and some movement on top of it.

The agents decided to risk the use of a flashlight. Agent One prepared his weapon, Agent 2 attached the powerful torch to the top of the cave. The beam of light struck a note that "opened" revealing the soft white skin of our young engineer. After becoming accustomed to the light of the equipment, the agents could see that the young woman was "engaged" in a creature that looked like a giant bat.

Erica was very weak. She did not appear, however, to be dehydrated, or malnourished, but very tired! She must have been fucked upside down for hours on top of that cave.

The agents began to figure out a way to rescue the girl, they could not just shoot the creature: there was a chance to hit the girl, even if they hit the creature, she and the girl would fall from a gigantic height and besides, both agreed that creature, in his animalistic instinct, was doing nothing wrong. Erica was a beautiful girl and a female more than able to bear children. Under these conditions, will you say that if you were a mutant bat creature, you would not do the same?

The problem is that as they began to discuss a solution, the creature began to get irritated and the outbreak of adrenaline made his penis bigger and more swollen! The creature began to penetrate Erica harder, making her very uncomfortable.

The agents decided to lure the creature close to the ground, so agent 2 contacted agents 3 and 4 and asked them to leave the cave and get some truckload of fruit.

After a few hours, the agents blinded the cave with the truck, unfortunately this not only attracted the bat that dominated Erica, like hundreds of others. The Agents had to flee with the vehicle, heading for a nearby road. The bats followed the vehicle and Erica was taken along. Unfortunately this persecution went very far, they passed the great white desert, they arrived near a small village, where the inhabitants watched astonished, a beautiful girl of black hair and glittering being fucked by a bat in flight.

Finally, on the way back to the base, the bats were tiring and landing in the same desert. Agents 1 and 2, who followed behind with another vehicle, were able to locate and rescue Erica, who now rests in the lab ward.


I was going to do something more elaborate, but my time is very short and I wanted to test something interactive with you.

The idea is this, Erica is gone and I told Cinthya and Letitia to look for her. none of the girls gave a signal and I know they are in this cave. Say in the comment by which position I should start looking. I go in the most voted option and I'll see what's in there.

The first person who can figure out where Erica is, whether it's the most voted option or not, will win a prize. A fully customized art (ie the winner will be able to order an art with a custom girl and creature).

Each can only make one suggestion by revelation. For example subject A votes in 2 subject B and C vote in 3. It is revealed what it has in position 3 and only then A, B and C will be able to vote again.

Participate! You can vote on each of the platforms that I launch these figures, that is, here, in my blog and in my Hentai Foundry. Each platform will have a winner.

-Mystical Pig and BigBenProgrammingCo found Erica!
-Comrade DerpyHooves and Sasquatch180 helped me too, but dey found no clue about Erica...
-Mystical Pig and Comrade Derpy Hooves found Cinthya!
-BigBenProgrammingCo helped me too,  but they found no clue about Cinthya.
-Letitia came back to the base by herself.

Pixeltober day XXIII

Could someone tell me if this is allowed in a fight?

Well, the ceasefire of my enemy, with the reptilians confining themselves to that village and with most of the damage at the base, repaired, I decided to give the girls a little slack.

The girls decided to stay near a large water tank, where special spotlights can mimic the summer sun of a tropical region. They were quite comfortable, Letitia in a strapless dress, was sitting on a bench reading a book, Bianca decided to debut a Bikini in V, Erica was in her swimnsuit, Cinthya in a normal bikini, but did little to hide her full breasts and butt. Carol later arrived, sweaty, in boots, shorts and a blue shirt, from her favorite football team. She barely removed her shirt when Bianca, nosy as usual, asked what she was doing.

Carol explained that she was practicing a particular martial art. Letitia, who already practiced several martial arts, entered the conversation and soon the two were demonstrating some kicks and punches for the other girls. It was then that Bianca had the following idea: Why did not the two fight, as if it were a competition? Watching or participating in a fight would be an incredible activity for the off-season and they could still bet on who would be the winner!

Of course Bianca would not have a good idea, at least not from the beginning. Cinthya pointed out that Letitia's Succubi genes give her a good edge in reflexes, agility and strength and that it would not be a fair fight. Letitia added that she can not always control her own strength and a fight would be dangerous.

Bianca was silent, she thought, and came up with another idea: Why did not Carol fight a creature? There were several creatures that would serve a fight. Carol liked the idea, she wanted to practice with something other than a punching bag. Letitia recalled that some of the mutant Kangaroos have little physical strength and would not be a danger to her, Cinthya complained that this was cruel to the creature, but Erica reminded her that fighting was part of the weekly exercise of these animals and that, at the end of the accounts would only do well for them.

All in the end agreed with the idea and went to the cell of these animals. They chose an intermediate fighter from them and took them to the gym, where they summoned me to be a judge. They explained the rules to me, but I did not pay much attention and I did not understand very well and I decided to pretend that I understood everything.

The fight started and Carol started going well! With a set of punches and kicks, she cornered the animal, when it retaliated, it dodged and recoiled. She was much more synchronized and he apparently was not very focused on the fight ... since he had an erection in the middle of it.

However, it took an hour that the Kangaroo managed to counter the girl's blows and began to push her back. At one point, Carol stumbled and fell to the floor, her opponent falling on top. It might have seemed like a mere accident, but the Kangaroo did not bother to get up, he rocked until his cock penetrated Carol's pussy!

I could interpret this as the creature's sexual instinct, but apparently it was a combat tactic! With his penis stocking her pussy, he began to punch her, if she defended the punch, he punched "down" forcing the girl to open the guard! It was not long before Carol threw the towel and the Animal, victorious, ejaculated on the girl. I granted him the victory, but the girls did not like it at all, according to them, this type of movement is illegal ...

So guys, what should I do? Should I disqualify Kangaroo?

Pixeltober day XXII

The situation calmed down here after the mysterious reptilians appeared. I took advantage of this ceasefire to account for the damage, strengthen the defenses and correct some problems.

There were, however, enough females among the pups. It was all a matter of waiting for this generation to grow. Unfortunately most were still in the breastfeeding phase. I could nurture these puppies using formula, but this does not have the same benefits of breastfeeding.

Yes, breastfeeding. Not just giving milk, there must be the presence of the female, the contact of the puppy with her. This helps to raise the antibodies and the self-confidence of the puppies, increasing their chances of survival.

For this I sent Bianca (definitely I could not divert an engineer to this role and I had to send Carol to the city, to buy supplies). I injected a serum into her that made her start producing milk and sent her naked to the Echidnas cell.

Arriving there she began to nurse the puppies. Their elongated mouth is not well suited for the suction of a human breast and so they started to lick the girl's nipples, leaving her well aroused.

With that she began to get wet and one of the adult male Echidnas felt the smell of moisture that came from between the legs of the young woman. Curious he approached and ... buried the elongated fucking in Bianca's pussy!

Bianca did not know what to do, she was already in a state of ecstasy with the licks on her breasts and now with the male licking fiercely inside her pussy, she reached orgasm. All this feeling made her completely disoriented! Her body shook with pleasure! She did not know if she would put the puppy on the ground, try to move the young adult away using her legs, lay down ... She began to miss the time of suckling the puppies, to repeat pup, to hold puppies in the wrong way, until she did not resist and collapsed on the floor.

Fortunately, she fell half to the side and the pups managed to make their way to the girl's breasts and suckled on them until they could not. Now we have happy and well nourished puppies and the best: a tired Bianca! Tired Bianca does not bring me problems!

Pixeltober day XXI

Yesterday, Cinthya brought me valuable information about the reptilians who appeared nearby. Yes, in addition to the observations she made, the amount of cum she carried inside her wombwas enough, even to be haploid cells, even if they tried to contaminate, to determine the genome of the creature.

Today, I decided to have Letitia observe the movement of the creature and also that of my enemy. For that I asked her to climb a mountain, relatively close to the great body (if you do not know what it is, read my BG in the Hentai Foundry). Letitia is a skilful hiker and often prefers to risk climbing without equipment, since, according to her, they hinder her more than help.

However, the mountains here are hard to climb and she needs the maximum of her ability and concentration for this task! And that's exactly why today, we almost lost our main girl!

I do not usually wait life near the caves complex where the lab is. There are some woods and swamps, but they are fruits of terraforming work that I am doing. Most of the land is a desert of whitish substance. Substance that is so challenging to our own reality that it seems to corrupt and destroy life that we dare to settle in the region. So when the girls go out wearing protective jumpsuits, they are more concerned about not falling into holes, or wanting to go near the mutant creature of the northern forest, than being attacked by an animal or something.

That's probably why Letita paid no attention to the figure flying around her as she climbed the mountain. A huge green bird seemed curt for our girl! He then gave a rascal and with his claws tore part of the uniform of our carrier of the Succubus gene.

She was very focused on her climb, which could not even process what had happened, at first she thought she had torn the uniform into some stone, or something. Then she felt something pushing her upward, while an elongated, round object pressed against her vulva.

When she finally turned and saw the greenish creature, the bird flapped its wings, sliding up almost causing Letitia to loosen the stones. No, it was not the push that made the girl's footprint difficult, it was the creature's long penis, coming in all at once, which made the blonde almost breathless.

The bird tried to start fucking its new female, but doing it in negative tilt is almost impossible. The bird's clattering wings, imbued with irrational sexual desire, made Lettia's climb a near-mortal task. The girl was having to hold onto the rock with all her might as she was fucked by a giant cock. She could not take an arm or a leg off the mountain to try to push the bird away, her life depended on letting him continue in her sexual furor.

The problem was that the bird was very tense and that was making it difficult to reach the climax. Letitia however, did not take long to calm down and figure out a way out of that situation. First a bird living in that desert is a creature worthy of study. She did not know if she could capture the bird, but the sperm should contain pleasant information. Second, the faster the bird cum, the faster that situation would end and she could re-focus on climbing.

Letitia then used her forcing to shift a leg from position to rock, giving her a little slack. Then he forced himself to contract his pussy, tightening it as much as possible, and then risked a roll on the bird's cock while holding a rock at a considerable height.

The inexperienced bird did not last a minute after that. He jumped hard, then, seemingly without strength, fell on his back and when he was about to hit a rock, beat his wings, turned in the air and then began to fly away.

Letitia finished the climb, working hard to keep the pussy contracted in order to keep the creature's sperm from running out. She reached the top of the mountain, fulfilled her mission of observation, and returned to the base with this new information.

Pixeltober day XX

This morning, the sensors at the base detected a movement in one of the abandoned villages around here. Afraid to be some human government, I decided to have Cinthya check it, since she is the only one fluent in Russian.

As she approached the site, Cinthya was surprised by humanoid reptilian creatures who displayed very intelligent behavior and a nonhuman technological knowledge. The creatures wore overalls and armor and operated some vehicles and tools. They seemed to be studying the abandoned village, as well as the white matter that makes up every desert area that occupies most of the environments of the cave complex.

One of the creatures noticed Cinthya and approached. Our engineer tried to communicate with it and the creature responded with mimes, as if he wanted the redhead to be on all fours. Cinthya obeyed, believing that it was some protcolo of this race, or that the creature wanted to show something.

The creature then went behind the girl and began to pull the zipper off her jumpsuit. Cinthya protested and tried to stand, but the creature began to scream and be agitated, frightened by the reaction, Cinthya decided to let the creature proceed.

After that the creature stripped off his overalls. A heavy reptilian, erect, pulsing double penis was revealed, and yet our redhead, though a great engineer, could not figure out what to come next.

The creature stood still for a while and Cinthya tried to communicate with her again. She touched her breast and said,
-Me Cinthya...
Then she pointed to the sentence, but when she spoke she lost her voice, she felt the head of the massive penis brush against the entrance of her pussy.

She stopped, took a deep breath, pointed again, and asked
-You ahnnn
The head of the creature's penis began to force the entrance into the tight pussy of Cinthya ..
Wh-Who are ... gnnnnn
The head of the penis was the size of an enclosed fist, and this monstrous thing entered the girl all at once. Cinthya moaned, tried to control herself, was panting, but did not have time to recover, then she felt the head of the smaller penis brushing her ass.

Suddenly the smaller penis went into her ass, while the bigger one got even more into her pussy. After this event the creature began to fuck Cinthya hard! The girl did not hold back, moaned, cried with pleasure, orgasm, tried to compose and continue questioning the creature, but she saw that the pegs only made the creature get stronger !. At last Cinthya felt a warm, sticky liquid fill her womb and flow through her legs. It was cum, but it was so much that the girl could easily fill a bottle.

The creature removed the penis from the girl, cleaned them by rubbing them on the redhead's back and returned to his overalls. Cinthya did the same and tried again to contact the alien, but saw that it did not come to nothing.

She went to the village, watched the creatures for a while, tried to communicate with others, but was ignored. After that he returned to the base, to report and clean herself. I do not know if these creatures are a new threat. But I know the enemy pressed us less today. Perhaps the appearance of the reptilians caught his attention as well.

Pixeltober day XIX

An attack from the north!

The day started badly today. While we are attempting to combat a southeastern invasion, the fans responsible for preventing the spores of the northern plant creature from reaching the forest north of our base began to fail. The sensor readings indicated that vines were trapping their Helix.

The only girl available and knowledgeable for this mission was Erica and how I thought that with the fans on, there was no way for my enemy to get close to the woods surrounding the base, I ended up sending her without much protection.

Everything happened in a normal way until it came close to the northernmost fans we have. At that point she noticed a strange vegetation, something that resembled vines, but that seemed to move, in the trees of the forest. Before she could sketch any reaction, the vines leapt toward her and grabbed the girl's arms, immobilizing her!

Apparently my enemy managed to extend his tentacles to my domains, he did not have to convert the terrain in his way, just as I need to get to him. And with him came creatures corrupted by their spores...

Erica was surrounded by gigantic frogs, parasitized by some kind of fungus. Immobilized, she could not dodge the sticky tongue attacks of these amphibians! Using their tongue as a whip, they were able to rip off parts of our young engineer's jumpsuit!

They set her aside for a while, as if enjoying her exposed bosom and the girl's shame. A frog, apparently their leader, positioned himself behind the girl and threw his tongue directly into her pussy! He forced his tongue into the tight, restrained pussy while Erica, ashamed, held her moans and struggled to break free!

There was no biological explanation in this process! Nothing that could lead the frog to do this! He seemed to react to the girl's moaning and crying, he seemed to feel satisfaction in the humiliation and abuse she was suffering!

I can not say that what I felt was anger, I felt like I wanted to devour a whole world, cause a cataclysm, I completely lost control of my body! I ordered in the process several drones to put a load on the creature plant of the north, in its extensions that were arriving in my domain and the frogs! I spread my tentacles to the scene of the attack! I felt the gnawing pain of the need for accelerated growth! I consumed parts of my body to get to Erica.

I got weak, but I was able to knock down various frogs and other mutant creatures. My drones were having a good fight too. The northern plant creature used the tentacles that were not holding Erica to fight me. Apparently her goal was no longer to destroy the fans, or to cause any material damage. It was humiliating Erica, humiliating her in front of me. I could feel that my enemy wanted to destroy the will and psyche of my girls, one by one, commending the most vulnerable. All my enemy did was protect the toad that was abusing Erica and keep the girl immobilized.

I increased my presence on the spot, fought harder, forcing my enemy to loosen one of Erica's arms. I thought she was going to use her free hand to escape her captor's control and get out of there, but no, the girl's attitude surprised me.

She forced her body down, began to grope the bottom of the lake and then took out her toolbox. She started to stretch, pulling the tentacle that held her right arm and going toward the fans and that with the frog fumbling that thick tongue inside her pussy. She then began to fix the fans, struggling to ignore the intrusive organ in her intimate part, trying to operate tools with her non-directing hand in the middle of a battle. She moaned hard, but did not divert attention from her task!

I could force my enemy to drop it altogether. Erica was free to escape the abuse of the amphibian, but still she remained focused on her task. This gave us strength while weakening our enemy. His goal had failed, our girl whom he considered to be the most vulnerable, was there, allowing a mutant toad to stick a tongue of the thickness of an arm in his pussy, while she fixed a giant fan.

The final blow was when the fan came back on. Several tentacles of my enemy were inside the machine when it came back to operate and with that they were cut! The wind made it difficult for him to control his creatures, as the spores and pheromones were being blown away. We managed to repel this attack more and I took Erica back to the base. It was a victory, but now I am very weak and I do not know how long I can defend the laboratory.

Pixeltober day XVIII

I sent Carol to give suport to Bianca yesterday. She dived and waited in the lake near the base. Underwater she became our communications link with Bianca.

We knew the water was infested with spores, and Carol did not even bother to wear a jumpsuit. She knew that some animal would take advantage of her and decided not to sacrifice a piece of clothing in vain.

It was not long before she suffered the first attack. She was passing instructions to Bianca on the radio when she suddenly groaned. She swallowed hard, tried to compose herself, began to narrate but could not stand it, moaned for almost a minute and then only breathed again to speak again.

During the interval until the next transmission of instructions, we could hear on the radio the girl's shallow and quick respect, followed by a few moans. Suddenly Carol gives a cry of pleasure, moans hard, remembers that it is in broadcast and tries to hold, but it fails miserably, moaning very loudly again.

That kind of thing was repeated throughout the mission, she can barely pass the final instructions to Bianca. After the mission was completed and the two were able to get out of the water, Carol came up to my nearest tentacle actuator, carrying at least 3 eels in her pussy and one in her ass.

One of the eels slipped between her legs and fell to the floor, the other two continued inside the girl's pussy, struggling hard. Carol was shaking, she could barely walk. When it finally came within my reach, she prostrated herself on all fours and asked, moaning:

-P-please, ahnn, get them out of me!

It was not an easy task. The eels were very slippery and Carol was very restrained! I must have spent almost an hour trying to get her eels off. I wanted to give the girl a break after that, but unfortunately this crisis situation does not leave me and soon I had to send her to the lake, again.

I need reinforcements, how can you help me? If you have intention, please do a RolePlay of how, in the comments!

Inktober day XVII

Today we conducted a guided Shark Attack. We discovered that the water spores don't come directly from my enemy, but by fish and water mamals infected by its air spores. These creatures start to develop a extremly lidibinous behaviour, and the modified water spore are relased in the waters with their semem.

Using an old sonar, we could locate the largest shoals of infected fish and we decided conduct an strategic shark attack on these targets. The modified white shark has a smooth skin, don't attack human females, has a great resistence to genetic mutation and can be steered by the touch, beeing an perfect candidate to this mission.

Since we need a human female, and knowing the libidinous behaviour of the infected animals, we had the worry to avoid the girl that will lead the strike to be raped, and suffering "inverse birth". So her genitals must be covered. We also know the ability that the spores have to destroy clothes and wearable things. Luckly these modified sharks have inverse, and more hard, Claspers. Claspers are the nearest thing that sharks have close to a penis.

We chose Bianca to conduct the attack (not that I liked it, but these are hard times...). She let the Shark penetrate her little pussy and conducted him, docile, to the targets. The attack was a sucess, but it didn't stop the spore streaming.

Inktober day XVI

The most efficient way to transport lampreys!

With the spores coming at a frightening speed through the southwest we were forced to act fast! Genetic data already existed in the laboratory to create a lambred that could reach adulthood in just a few hours, but apparently this project was discontinued because individuals did not have teeth and died from failing to feed themselves.

I took advantage of this data to try to modify these lampreys so they can feed on my enemy's spores. I could not make a perfect species, these lampreys have a very fast metabolism and have a very powerful musculature, but they get little energy from the spores and are not very effective at collecting them. In short: they are just a palatative solution, something to hold the first wave of spores a bit, so I have time to think about a more solid solution.

I produced a huge amount of them, which were to be deposited in the lake as quickly as possible. I produced so many that the tank where they were being born soon got crowded and the water almost all ran out!

I put all the drones available to work! The girls helped carrying the robotic drones and carrying the lampreys in buckets, but apparently all that was not fast enough!

Letitia then jumped into the tank and with a bucket began to load, with vigor, the drones and other available buckets. This has improved our logistical system a bit!

The point was that the tank was crowded and the lampreias were desperate to get out of there. Some of these animals saw Letitia's pussy as a possible shelter, or exit. With their incredible muscle strength, the lampreys entered through the vaginal canal and lodged in the girl's womb, forcing inflation. A normal girl would have fainted, but the incredible resilience resulting from the Succubus genes made the girl bravely endure the process.

After having loaded all the Drones, the girl jumped out of the tank, filled two buckets and ran to the side, with all those lampreys in the womb! At the lake, she threw the lampreys out of the buckets, forced the animals out in a magnificent "birthing" and hurried back to the point of reloading all the drones again and repeating the process.

Thanks to that we got a few hours, maybe a few days, to work on a new solution.

Inktober day XV

When Erica's accident with Priapulus happened, I attribute the worm's attitude to it as a natural attempt to get rid of that excess water in your body by entering into a higher salinity environment. The super fertility of the starfish with Carol was very strange, but I did not give much importance to the event.

However, the increase in the sexual aggression of the base creatures, the increase of "accidents" in certain regions and change in the production of sexual fluids by certain specimens made me raise a hypothesis: The creature plant of the norme forest, my nemesis, was achieving send spores elsewhere. That's why I sent the girls to check where these spores might be coming to the base.

Cinthya found a spore reading in one of the most unlikely places, in a network of marine caves, which overlook a large salty lake south-east of the laboratory! Apparently my enemy was able to modify his spores to get to use the water as a medium.

Unfortunately, as soon as she got the readings, a chain threw a large amount of spores against her. They took and destroyed her wetsuit. Vulnerable Cinthya began to swim hastily back to the base. When she was a few feet away, she climbed a little and decided to wait a little on a land bank in order to normalize the pressure of her body. It was a terrible mistake!

As soon as her beautiful butt touched the ground, two giant Brachiostomas jumped from their hiding places directly to Cinthya's pussy and ass! In a reflex she jumped from the land bank, but the animals were already buried deep in the holes of our engineer to be expelled by this maneuver!

Initially Cinthya tried to get the creatures out of there, but both her ass and her pussy were very tight, holding tightly to the animals, plus the part of the creatures that was outside was very slippery!

Other creatures emerged and headed toward Cinthya. I doubt they would find room, but Cinthya decided not to risk it. She was forced to swim, with the intruders struggling inside her, as she gradually smoothed out the internal pressure of her body. After hours of a gradual ascent she finally managed to get out of the lake and me and the girls managed to pull the invaders out of her.

Inktober day XIV

I think I've said it a few times, but I'll repeat it here one more time. We currently have 5 girls here in the lab, 3 of them were found here, two I called for an ad over the internet.

Of the girls I found here in the lab, only one is willing to interact sexually with the creatures in the lab, and that's Letitia. Cinthya and Erica help me with maintenance work.

Cinthya however does not have much repulsion about the idea of having sex with the creatures. I mean, what keeps her from doing is that she finds most of the disgusting creatures, the interspecies taboo is not a problem for her, but the physical appearance of most creatures.

Erica however has problems even to be naked in front of the other girls, she is ashamed to think about the sexual activity that the other girls are developing around here and if sex with a human is already a subject she does not feel comfortable with talk, then imagine how she deals with the possibility of sex with a different kind of creature?

Any incident that occurs to her at the base she reports to me. She knows I try to keep her out of harm's way. I am a tentacular monster whose very existence defies reality, but I care for the concensus. That's why I hear any worried report from her, ever since that swollen tubular worm jumped into her tight, inexperienced pussy, even for minor events, like when some goblins began masturbating as she passed her cell.

I then take the necessary steps, took Erica out of the base, until the external situation normalizes, I place black coat in the goblins' cell glass, I avoid putting her to work near aggressive creatures, and I reserve the most aggressive jobs for the girl, like take care of the mutant land Tunicates.

Tunicates are sea creatures that feed by filtering sea water. I decided to create a version for terra firma, to feed on spores and polem floating in the air (This would help me to contain the advance of my enemy, the creature plant of the northern forest). Although they have been genetically modified to live on land, the initial development of these creatures has to be done in water. After a few weeks and with the first generation well developed, I asked Erica to dive into the pool where these creatures were and collect some samples

.It was extremely unlikely that one of these creatures would mate with Erica! Despite the genetic change, Tunicates are quite normal! Yet I heard timid moans a few minutes after the girl started work. When I went to check, by the only possible opening I saw this scene! Erica's back was steep, the swimsuit was pulled a little sideways and fluid substance flowed between the legs of the girl, while one of the tucanados sneaked near the vagina of the sweet research assistant.

I could not verify if there was any penetration or something, it seemed that yes, but when I started the process of opening the sector gate where the girl was, she jumped forward, stood and acted as if nothing had happened . She did not report any abnormalities to me and no attacks ...

Am I seeing things? Should I believe that nothing happened? What do you think?

Inktober day XIII

Interspecies pregnancy  is possible in this laboratory. This event is even desired, but under certain conditions. I do not want to occupy my girls are always occupied with a long and tiring pregnancy of a large mammal's hybrid, when they have a lot of work to do here, or when I have more interesting hybrids to plan.

Condoms do not work, the penis of most creatures simply destroys these objects and most creatures stress because they do not understand the purpose of that thing. I can not give anti-conceptions to girls because this affects their hormonal equilibrium, other methods fail and what I have left is the board method, to cum outside and to measure the spinal concentration in the uterus.

I decided to ask my engineering team, made up of Letitia, Erica and Cinthya, to develop a device that communicates with smartphones and that can measure these factors and give the girls the chance of pregnancy they are subjected to in each intercourse .

Carol was the first to use the device. Her task was to get 15 giant starfish to cum, thus reducing her level of stress. The ability to generate hybrids from the starfish is quite limited and we do not usually worry too much about an unwanted pregnancy in this sector

To our surprise the ninth starfish performed spectacularly! She ejaculated an absurd amount of a thick, rich sperm. This raised the chance of pregnancy very quickly which left the frightened girl with no reaction!

When Carol managed to think of something the creature's pulsating penis had already left her pussy and the only thing left for her was to ask me to get a replacement to meet the remaining 6 starfish while she went to the restrooms , squatting on top of a drain, and with the help of her fingers, she caused a good part of the sperm to flow out of her womb..

Inktober day XII

Ok, I must admit, I can not speak badly about Bianca today! My tendrils felt vibrations in the octopus tank and I decided to send my optical tentacles there. I knew that the octopuses were very dissatisfied with the abstinence of females, but I was not finding them willing to go there, because both Carol and Letitia do not like them very much ... Octopi can get through small cracks and get into "impossible" places "...

I thought they were trying to get away from the tank, but when I finally got my optical tetacles in there, I saw that someone had already convinced them that staying in the lab is a good idea. Bianca was there, hands on her knees, her bottom bent, a thick tentacle dripping out of her pussy, shedding a sticky sperm.

I figured after that she would brag about what she did in the tank of the octopuses, play in my face she does not just mess up, or in the face of the other girls that she is useful, but instead she went back to her room and He smiled, listening to music. Okay, I have to admit that this young lady can have her utilities.

Note from the author: I tried to base this figure on a real photo, I particularly surprised the result, I would like to know what you think of this figure.

Inktober day XI

It's not being an easy week for anyone in the lab, we came here today to report another accident here.

We have been able to synthesize a wide range of pheromones and use these to control most of the creatures here in the laboratory. For example, this giant version of worker ants, we use to carry fluids and objects through the laboratory.

After her adventure at the bottom of the sea, Letitia returned with a liquid organic compound in both her body and her bucetinah. We then decided to have a worker collect the liquid for analysis.The problem is that at the time of making the pheromonal marking, I ended up marking Letitia too! And I made a mistake in the molecular composition of the pheromone, leaving the message quite ambiguous.

I think the worker interpreted it as either transporting Letitia, or using Letitia as a storage medium. What happened is that as soon as I gave the command, the worker expanded her ass, absorbing the girl. Once inside the "pot of honey" the worker used her thick organ hose and penentrou in the bucket of Letitia. Then he began to walk around the base, collecting sperm and pumping the sperm into the girl's uterus.

It took hours of a humiliating and sexy parade! Letitia could usually get out of the worker, but with something so big pulsing inside her pussy, she could not get a reaction! It can only accept, in a state of near orgasm, that she be transported slowly through the laboratory, being fucked in public, in front of all people and creatures, while every cum on the floor and walls of the laboratory was transported to the her vagina.

After the process, the worker let she go, and Letitia staggered to the cave where my main sensor organs are housed. Cum was flowing between her legs and a white sperm trail made it clear the way she did here.

Inktober day X

This is not a new picture. In fact this is one of the first "experiences" that Cinthya had here after we wake her up.

For those who does not know, Cinthya, Erica and Letitia were found by we, the Hive mind, sleeping in some sort of stasis chambers in a buried room in the lab. The girls were kept in a kind of conscious dream in virtual reality.

The Cinthya's chamber had a small fault. The floor of the buried room was rich in salt and lime, the room above the buried room was apparently a deposit of that substance. The stasis chambers of all the girls were what protected them from dehydration, but the animals in but the animals in the ground between the rooms were not so protected.

We believe that a earthworm, full of mutagens, found the fault of Cinthya's chamber and found it's way to the wet and warm pussy of the girl. The worm then took shelter in the womb of the young engineer and the environment of the stasis chamber caused the animal's metabolism to diminish and he eventually fell asleep.

By feeding on the vaginal juice and some nutrients provided by the girl's uterus, the worm was growing and swelling. When we took Cinthya out of the chamber, the worm awoke and forced its way out of the young woman, resulting in this beautiful scene of childbirth wormbirth!

Inktober day IX

It's easier for a man to pee outdoors than a woman. It is not just about the physiological aspects, but also about social aspects. Despite being a very shy girl, Erica feels a little more comfortable urinating inoutdoors , since there is no human conglomeration in kms near the lab.

Yet she must have known that a human is the least of the threats here. Today, apparently, she learned it the hard way. After a morning working on the repair of a water pump near the lake that feeds the laboratory, she saw that she needed relief...

She decided to piss in a thicket near the lake. What she did not count is that yesterday's storms ended up causing some saltwater tanks to overflow and some mutant worms were eventually being carried out of their habitats with it. Out of the salt water, they buried themselves near the lake and because of the osmotic balance, they absorbed enough water and swelled.

When it felts the urine of our young research assistant, one of the worms had no doubt: in an almost explosive movement, it jumped out of the earth and penetrated hard into the little pussy of our dedicated brunette!

Inktober day VIII

We find Platyhelminthes disgusting and strange, but it seems that Carol is willing to face this particularly giant species of them. She said it could not be bad at having to deal with a beautiful, colorful "slug" like that. We explained that it was actually a type of worm, but she interrupted by saying that it does not make any difference, that soft thing could only have a small soft penis and ignored anything else we had to say, entering the cell where it was creature.

Well, she knows we would not expose her to unnecessary risk. Natural platyhelminthes have double penises and two males duel with these organs, trying to pierce (yes, even pierce) the other. The pierced Worm becomes the female. This giant Platyhelminthe has a very hard penis, but not enough to pierce the human skin. He can also recognize human females and thereby direct themselves to their sexual organs. Unfortunately we could not get this species to develop a non-bifurcated penis ... Well, one penis goes into the vagina, the other has to get into another hole and, poor Carol, she does not really like a surprise anal!

Inktober day VII

Well, as we have already said, Bianca is an impulsive, immature and spoiled girl! She knew what Letitia did and wanted to show off! Of course, a girl without discipline like Bianca can not keep up with a training rhythm, to hold the  breathe during the sex with a marine invertebrate underwater.

Unfortunately this annoying girl has already taken diving lessons! She took the equipment and said she was going to face the most bizarre creature she could find! Of course she does not have the fiber to mount on a mutant marine sponge, since the variations here are very hard and full of bumps. She decided to have sex with a polyp from a giant meduza. She came back proudly to the Lab, saying that she took a creature far larger and more dangerous than a simple sponge. She made it clear that she is much braver than Letitia because of jellyfish and her polyps are poisonous, but I know that variation she has chosen has no poison at all.

OBS: Polyps and jellyfish are animals

Inktober day VI

You have to admit, she's a very brave girl! We doubt that most readers of this blog would be able to stay for more than 5 minutes with their breaths caught underwater, let alone dive in the open sea and spend more than 10 minutes in a high performance activity such as "riding" a marine sponge , have an orgasm and not lose your breath!

Okay, the Succubus gene helps give the girl more vigor, but he alone does not make a difference. Letitia is a very athletic girl, she runs, attends gym and practices martial arts. This all helps her to have such an impressive breath.

Inktober day V

First of all, sorry for the delay. It was not okay last night to finish this art. This is another mating that has not been scheduled. Cinthya is not one of the girls volunteers at the base to participate in the experiments, as is the case with Carol and Bianca, nor is she carrying the succubus gene, as is the case with Letitia. She, like Erica, is a research assistant and has no interest in interacting sexually with nonhuman creatures from here.

To the north of the base there is a "forest" that actually consists of a single mutant plant, of considerable intelligence and emitting spores that attack most clothing. I do not send any girls there, for it is too risky of them to be attacked by this creature.

However there is a groove between the forest and the base and we usually send Erica there to maintain the network of sensors that monitor the site. There are also some large turbines at the edge of this forest that prevent forest spores from reaching the groove.

We told Cinthya today (yesterday) to fix the fans, but apparently the large plant reached the edge of the forest. Cinthya was taken by surprise, had no way to react ...

The plant apparently uses the vaginal juice of a human female as a means of transporting pollen. The male thallus performs penetrations into the female's vagina until it becomes lubricated and then releases the pollen. After that the female thallus enters the female and collects these spores. We do not know the purpose of this and We do not know why the plant only use human females.

The secret plant is an extremely stimulating substance, so after serving as a fertilizer for almost six hours, Cinthya returned to the base with a smile on her face.

Inktober day IV

Who does not like Erica? Apparently our favorite research assistant got involved in an "accident" with a mushroom muscaria.

Inktober day III

Well, for those accompanying my other blog (Dark Moon), Carol copulating with a bacteriophage is nothing new. But both she and the phage had to participate in the inktober, did not they? So here they are! With this we have the Letitia with a member of the protista realm (Slimes are amoebas, I think), Bianca with a member of the monera kingdom and Carol with a virus.

Inktober day II

Guys, as you may know we, the hive mind, are an entity that is established in an abandoned laboratory located in what you humans call Ukraine. (Okay, you may have also heard that we are a Ukrainian biologist who is doing masters in Brazil, but he is just a drone, a component of hive mind.)

In this laboratory we have established, there are many exotic creatures. You already know the giant bacteriophages and the large mobile bacterial colonies called slimes. But these are not even close to being the only creatures that inhabit this giant and "abandoned" complex.

We planned to show several of these creatures using this xtober and for that I would count on Letitia's help. Letitia is an inhabitant of this laboratory, a scientist who has been contaminated with the succubus virus. We wanted to give Carol a break, which has already had its share of the giant viruses. We did not want to use Bianca, We think she's a very troublesome girl. Yes, she is already of age, but she is very troublesome and We want to send her and her family back to her country as soon as possible!

But this girl plague has figured out where we kept coconut-type gargantuan bacteria. When we went to open sector 2B, to select a bacterium and let Letitia do her job, we had this surprise! Bianca was riding one of them! And it was one of the biggest!

She stood for long minutes on top of the bacteria! The creature came to divide with Bianca on top! We do not know how Bianca managed not to slip through the gelatinous body of the giant representative of the monera kingdom!

Actually ... we know. She was not naked by no reason ... and she does not just need her hands to look at a place ...

Inktober day I

For the first day of inktober, I want to share this sprite of Letitia fucking with a slime: